I started listening to NPR's " Code Switch " because code-switching has always fascinated me through my experiences living as a non-native speaker in an immersion environment or navigating multilingual environments here, at work or home. Sometimes a code switch fills in a gap in one language where another has a succinct word or phrase for a universal experience. Sometimes we switch codes to to avoid, or inflict, microaggressions.* I was disappointed to learn that the podcast didn't focus on linguistics and actual code switching, but I appreciated the focus on race. The BLM protests may have caused a shift, or intensification, and I'd like to examine the June 16, 2020 episode " Why Now, White People ?" First, some context. Some famous people looked for content on race and culture, saw a reputable publication like NPR, subscribed and recommended the Code Switch podcast to their followers on social media. Overnight the podcast shot to...
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