
Showing posts with the label advice

Intitutional Resources at JCCC

 I teach students how to advocate for themselves and how to find and access resources.  I don't think this is divorced from the content of composition.  Writing, and all communication, is collaborative.  Furthermore, these meta-writing skills or resources have the most immediate impact on student success.  As such I'm cataloging information on how to access Student writing resources here so to share with one link across multiple platforms.   A PDF created by Kaitlin Krumsick, interim director of the Academic Resource center, explains it well , and below is a video that walks you through it. Research I did when I worked at the KU Writing Center from 2002 to 2007 showed that the average GPA for students who used the writing center was 3.2.  When you consider how many student who were encouraged by teachers to visit because of struggles, what became clear was that good students recognized a useful resource and made use of it.  There should be no...

For Those Who Need a Kick Start

tl:dr- Prof shares time he needed  meaning, or relevance, in his school work. He tries to motivate students.