
This blog will support instruction in language (Literature and Writing)  and Writing Across the Curriculum.  I no longer have access to my teaching blog  - but it's categorized and searchable- so I'm starting over.

Collaborative, inductive, student-centered, etc.  Not likely all at once but we'll make an effort.  I seek lessons that adapt to the strengths of the students - universal design. 

I don't like to lecture.  Instructions will be brief, and assessments be built in.  Some reading will be required, and/or instructional videos. 

I'm supplementing and supporting the education of a precocious middle school-er.  I plan to use  these lesson plans and reflections in my developmental and gateway composition classes.

Produce a new, engaging lesson plan that links critical thinking and/or Science and Math literacy with Relevant reading every week, and critique/ autopsy the results. We could  call it a Writing Across the Curriculum approach, but effective composition and writing has never been divorced from logic, data and the scientific method. 


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