
Notes for and from Keighley Alyea Discussion

    Kara Kopetsky May 4, 2007 needs Wikipedia page Kelsey Smith 6/6/2007 Today in True Crime :  " Kelsey Smith Abducted "  podcast. Keighley Alyea 10/?/2009 Needs Wikipedia Page Can this [] be right?  Begin with quick summary of what happened after last seen at class.  Are facts important? Are they hard to talk about?  Are they knowable?  Talking points: In defense of taking attendance.  My sensitivity to criticism Re: ss suicide attempts.   is talking about this cathartic, or is it reopening a wound for you?  RE: my teaching - and request for details.  sensitivity vs a good story her name -  why didn't you share it at first? How should I engage without probing too far? what advice  can I gather Don't want to focus on killers but was there a leader or a reason?  Are their degrees of guilt or innocense?  Is it appropriate to share my story? or is that self-indulgent.   flaws o...

106 Pre midterm mini-lecture

   Outline of audio podcast (f ind transcript here )   1) Natural Narrative Final Draft follow-up.     a) explain andragogy (process vs product)      b) importance of attending to feedback               i) little things matter.  Door lock test / mouse turds in rice/ bellwethers               1) MLA               2) filename           ii) Change My View (CMV) discussion head's up     c) relevance of syllabus re: late work explained          i) "dropboxes" / use of LMS required          ii)  failure of class if final draft not turned in within 2 weeks.       d)  goal of "sources" requirement          i) in earlier lecture   ...

Comp 121: State of the class. 2nd Quarter SP21

  State of the class  - outline for podcast.  Full transcript here until 3/19/21 or by contacting me at my work email.  Grades close to up to date - but look at weighting.  Major point/ high stakes assignment due Sunday.  H&P=20%, TBL&PW=10%, FD = 60% Final "Exam" = 10% Theory of this class: application of assignments and learning goals Operant conditioning (grades yo) Zone of proximal development (ZPD)     Instructor     tutors Point of multiple drafts process rather than product revision = the name of the game never done, just due ZPD  Due dates, close dates and work-arounds (don't email assignments).  Andragogy - my goals get students to read prompt (engage with assignment)  get students to read rubric (how graded)  rubrics change from draft to draft not paint by numbers (" A Good Man is Hard to Find " reference).  It's not merely following directions.  Preparation for life.  ...

First Quarter Update: Intro to Writing Podcast

 State of the class  - outline for podcast.  Full transcript here until 3/19/21 or by contacting me at my work email.  Grades close to up to date - but look at weighting.  Major point/ high stakes assignment due Sunday.  H&P=30%, E/P=30%, FD = 40% Theory of this class: application of assignments and learning goals Operant conditioning (grades yo) Zone of proximal development (ZPD)     Instructor     tutors Point of multiple drafts process rather than product revision = the name of the game never done, just due ZPD  Due dates, close dates and work arounds.  Andragogy - my goals get students to read prompt (engage with assignment)  get students to read rubric (how graded)  rubrics change from draft to draft not paint by numbers (" A Good Man is Hard to Find " reference).  It's not merely following directions.  Preparation for life.    new conditions for final draft Natural Narrative i...

Institutional Contempt for Multilingual Students

    I have tried to impress on my colleagues that the term "ELL" (English Language Learners) is inappropriate for multi-lingual  students at my school because 1) it is a term used exclusively with K through 12 and 2) that it is not a term used with college-age students because  the implication is an ELL student is "less than."    I heard a student during my PhD course work use this term in class and it was shut down quickly by the instructor, who explained term was not appropriate in post-secondary educational settings. It is, at best, the equivalent of calling colleges students “kiddos.”  Students at  Seven Hills Charter Public School filed a petition  last week at seeking to drop the phrase "English-language learner" and replace it with "multilingual students." About 23 percent of students at the school are English-learners. "The term English Language Learner carries negative connotations and does not value the othe...

Intitutional Resources at JCCC

 I teach students how to advocate for themselves and how to find and access resources.  I don't think this is divorced from the content of composition.  Writing, and all communication, is collaborative.  Furthermore, these meta-writing skills or resources have the most immediate impact on student success.  As such I'm cataloging information on how to access Student writing resources here so to share with one link across multiple platforms.   A PDF created by Kaitlin Krumsick, interim director of the Academic Resource center, explains it well , and below is a video that walks you through it. Research I did when I worked at the KU Writing Center from 2002 to 2007 showed that the average GPA for students who used the writing center was 3.2.  When you consider how many student who were encouraged by teachers to visit because of struggles, what became clear was that good students recognized a useful resource and made use of it.  There should be no...

For Those Who Need a Kick Start

tl:dr- Prof shares time he needed  meaning, or relevance, in his school work. He tries to motivate students.