
Showing posts from November, 2020

For Those Who Need a Kick Start

tl:dr- Prof shares time he needed  meaning, or relevance, in his school work. He tries to motivate students.

A Hero Aint Nothing But a Sandwich - race and adoption

I'm working through my relationships with my father and my niece for a podcast, but because of how much we now rely on the interent as the arbiter of truth, and the way we scrub our social media to reinvent ourselves, I have to get some of this down.    One of the things I learned on my sabbatical, is what doomscrolling is and what it does to my mental health.  I engaged with social media anew in 2016-17.   I'd given up on Facebook, and the news aggregators I'd come to rely on all went away, so I became active on Twitter.  I searched out diverse voices  from across the political spectrum.  I didn't realize that the algorithms favor conflict, and my feed kept filling up with the worst voices; probably because I tried to correct or inform the most counter-factual or crazy assertions.   Once I figured this out, I started purging my social media feeds.  One prominent voice was Nikole Hannah-Jones @nhannahjones who goes by Ida Bae Wells on Twitte...